K.L. Pendoley
The APPEA Journal
39(2) 103 - 106
Published: 1999
The steady growth and evolution of environmental legislation over the past 10 years has resulted in 'environment' earning its own line in project critical path analysis and scheduling. Regulatory changes throughout 1998 and projected for 1999 ensure that environment will remain firmly entrenched on the collective corporate planning agendas of oil and gas exploration and production companies nationally. By the end of 1999 every state and territory is expected to have environmental protection legislation in place, while proposed legislative changes at the Commonwealth level indicates a possible increased involvement of Federal environmental agencies in industry activities in both state and Commonwealth jurisdictions. Industry is watching carefully the direction that will be taken by regulators in drafting current and future legislation. Industry and some government agencies favour an objective-based, self-regulating system over prescriptive regulations.https://doi.org/10.1071/AJ98064
© CSIRO 1999