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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers


C.P. Demarte

The APPEA Journal 37(1) 755 - 763
Published: 1997


This paper addresses opportunities for producers in the Victorian gas market arising from the ongoing reform of the Australian gas industry. Much of the impetus of the change has occurred in Victoria but to date there has been little evidence of the benefit of market reform to producers. This is expected to change.

Until recently, Esso/BHPP had a secure hold on gas production into the Victorian market. The renegotiation of their gas supply agreement with Gas and Fuel has created opportunities for limited production from new producers in the short term and significant market options in the long term.

Gas marketing companies are preparing to change the way they do business. Rigid long-term gas supply contracts will be balanced with alternative arrangements with producers such as financing of field development, equity investment in projects, alliances, commodity exchanges and the use of underground gas storage and LNG.

The formation of a spot market for gas will allow a transparent market place to evolve where forward physical and paper transactions can take place. Trading of gas futures and options will provide a mechanism for producers to take up any risk position that meets their corporate strategy.

In the light of market growth forecasts, flexible supply arrangements and market restructure, the potential for supply of natural gas by producers into the Victorian market is considerable.

© CSIRO 1997

Committee on Publication Ethics

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