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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers


P.J. Pike, M.G. Smith, R.S. Gill, S. Savva and A.J. Fisher

The APPEA Journal 34(1) 160 - 169
Published: 1994


This paper describes the key initiatives Esso Australia Ltd (Esso) has undertaken to improve employee and contractor safety performance to world class standards.

Esso produces 50M litres of crude oil per day and up to 25 million cubic metres of gas per day (peak winter demand) from 13 manned and three unmanned satellite platforms in Bass Strait, and two onshore oil/gas/LPG processing plants. Esso operates the facilities on behalf of the Esso/BHP Petroleum joint venture. Over 1400 employees and two million contractor work hours per year are involved in the operations.

In 1992, Esso employees worked over 2.8 million hours with no Lost Time Injuries (LTI's). As of October 1, 1993, Esso employees have worked over 5.2 million hours LTI free for the first time in over 22 years of operations in Bass Strait. Employee Total Injuries (LTI's plus medical treatment injuries plus restricted work cases) are also significantly down over the period.

In 1992, contractors working on Esso managed sites worked 2.2 million hours and sustained nine LTI's, for a frequency per million hours of 4.1. This was about half of the previous year's performance. Eight of these injuries occurred in the first half of 1992. Over the past 15 months, there have been two contractor LTI's equating to a LTI frequency of 0.7. Contractor Total Injuries are also significantly down over the period.

In addition to occupational injury performance, the number and severity of operational incidents such as hydrocarbon releases and fires are also down.

This improved safety performance and operations integrity is the culmination of a major effort to create a culture where safety is an integral part of our business and where everyone is committed to working safely.

© CSIRO 1994

Committee on Publication Ethics

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