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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers


D. Sherlock, G. Weir and K. Dodds

The APPEA Journal 45(1) 439 - 448
Published: 2005


This paper outlines the results of analog modelling of a sandy deepwater channel reservoir to gain insight into issues of uncertainty in reservoir simulations and their seismic expression. The project is unique in that it integrates seismic and reservoir engineering research in a controlled laboratory environment. Unlike numerical modelling investigations, this laboratory-based modelling study provides real data that does not rely on assumptions and is, therefore, a useful case study for comparing the actual production and seismic response against numerical predictions.

The 1 m2 model comprised two intersecting synthetic sandstone channels within a transparent acrylic matrix. The model was initially oil-saturated with irreducible water and was produced through waterflooding of the upper channel. Careful attention was paid to scaling of both the fluid dynamics and the seismic properties to ensure that the response of the model was representative of the field-scale environment. Scaled time-lapse seismic data was recorded before and after production and data such as water cuts, recovery rates and pressure drop between injector and producers were also recorded.

Analog reservoir modelling (ARM) provides a new tool that allows seismic attributes to be evaluated against ground truth results and the performance of seismic inversion schemes to be critically assessed.

© CSIRO 2005

Committee on Publication Ethics

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