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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats
Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research

Volume 51 Number 3 2024

The Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in southwestern Iran.

The Persian leopard is an endangered species but remains widely distributed across large areas of Iran. An ensemble of eight species distribution models was developed for the species in Iran. A model including ecological predictors of occurrence predicted 2.03% (329 ha) more suitable habitat than the abiotic model. Habitat suitability for Persian leopards was higher in steeper areas, close to water resources, and near the distribution of caracals, livestock, and wild goats.. Photograph by Sadegh Poursalem.

WR23102Habitat loss and degradation reduce the abundance of the glossy grass skink, Pseudemoia rawlinsoni

Jules E. Farquhar 0000-0002-1894-7580, Lucy Wotherspoon, Hilary Porter and David G. Chapple 0000-0002-7720-6280

Photographs of disturbed and undisturbed sites, with PCA graph showing vegetation structural changes between site types.

Habitat loss and degradation are a major threat to the persistence of wildlife, especially for animals with specific habitat requirements. We performed population surveys on wild glossy grass skinks in southern Victoria (Australia), which revealed that this rare wetland lizard is sensitive to vegetation being disturbed by mowing or grazing. Our study highlighted the importance of protecting habitat-specialised wetland fauna in Australia and globally. Photographs by Jules Farquhar.

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