Habitat loss and degradation reduce the abundance of the glossy grass skink, Pseudemoia rawlinsoni
Jules E. Farquhar

Handling Editor: Adam Stow
Habitat loss and degradation are major drivers of biodiversity loss worldwide. In particular, wetland environments are being removed and degraded faster than any other terrestrial habitat on earth. The loss and degradation of wetlands has been particularly pronounced in south-eastern Australia.
Here we investigated the impact of habitat loss and degradation on the Data Deficient glossy grass skink (Pseudemoia rawlinsoni), a species that predominantly favours wetland vegetation in south-eastern Australia.
We established artificial cover-object (roofing tiles) survey grids in paired remnant and disturbed sites at six locations across Victoria, Australia, and surveyed for skinks between November 2021 and April 2022.
Sites at which glossy grass skinks occur are characterised by tall dense vegetation, with a high cover of matted biomass. Thermal profiles within these complex vegetation structures remain much cooler during hot days, and warmer during cold nights, than external temperatures. Nearby disturbed sites (i.e. grazed or mowed areas within dispersal distance of remnant sites) are generally devoid of skinks, have very low and structurally simple (open) vegetation, and have thermal regimes that offer lizards no respite from high summer temperatures. We found that roofing tiles are an effective way to survey for glossy grass skinks; even on cool cloudy days, the temperature of tiles, and the lizards sheltering beneath them, are often much higher than ambient temperatures.
These findings implicate habitat loss and degradation as having a substantial negative impact on glossy grass skink presence and abundance; skinks largely avoid disturbed areas, even at sites immediately adjacent to remnant habitat. This may be driven not simply by the removal of tall and dense vegetation structures, but the consequent loss of the optimal thermal buffer afforded by such structures.
Our study emphasises the threat that habitat loss and degradation pose to wetland species in Australia, and throughout the world.
Keywords: agriculture, artificial cover object, Data Deficient, habitat loss, lizard, reptile, thermal biology, threatened, vegetation structure, wetland.
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