International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 19 Number 8 2010
Wildfires in Boreal Ecosystems
WFv19n8_FOWildfires in boreal ecosystems: past, present and some emerging trends
WF09134Peak detection in sediment–charcoal records: impacts of alternative data analysis methods on fire-history interpretations
WF09096Effects of vegetation zones and climatic changes on fire-induced atmospheric carbon emissions: a model based on paleodata
WF09096 Abstract | WF09096 Full Text | WF09096PDF (1.9 MB) Open Access Article
WF09097Resilience of the boreal forest in response to Holocene fire-frequency changes assessed by pollen diversity and population dynamics
WF09097 Abstract | WF09097 Full Text | WF09097PDF (533 KB) Open Access Article
WF09108The role of fire in southern Scandinavian forests during the late Holocene
WF09117A 400-year history of fires on lake islands in south-east Sweden
WF09085An evaluation of spatial and temporal patterns of lightning- and human-caused forest fires in Alberta, Canada, 1980–2007
WF09101Variation in local weather explains differences in fire regimes within a Québec south-eastern boreal forest landscape
WF09144The effects of surficial deposit–drainage combinations on spatial variations of fire cycles in the boreal forest of eastern Canada
WF09112Landscape composition influences local pattern of fire size in the eastern Canadian boreal forest: role of weather and landscape mosaic on fire size distribution in mixedwood boreal forest using the Prescribed Fire Analysis System
WF09112 Abstract | WF09112 Full Text | WF09112PDF (699 KB) Open Access Article
WF10049Spatial pattern analyses of post-fire residual stands in the black spruce boreal forest of western Quebec
WF09092Will climate change drive 21st century burn rates in Canadian boreal forest outside of its natural variability: collating global climate model experiments with sedimentary charcoal data
WF09092 Abstract | WF09092 Full Text | WF09092PDF (849 KB) Open Access Article