International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 7 Number 4 1997
WF9970285 Soil Erosion and Forestry Management After Wildfire in a Mediterranean Woodland, Mt. Carmel, Israel
M Inbar, L Wittenberg and M Tamir
pp. 285-294
WF9970317Post-Fire Arthropod Assemblages in Mediterranean Forest Soils in Israel
M Broza and I Izhaki
pp. 317-325
WF9970327Seedling Mortality in Regeneration of Aleppo Pine Following Fire and Attack by the Scale Insect Matsucoccus josephi
Z Mendel, F Assael, N Saphir, A Zehavi, D Nestel and G Schiller
pp. 327-333
WF9970335The Effects of Post-Fire Management on Bird Community Succession
I Izhaki and M Adar
pp. 335-342
WF9970343The Management Implications of the Mt. Carmel Research Project
G Ne'eman, A Perevolotsky and G Schiller
pp. 343-350