International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 1 Number 2 1991
WF9910087On the Temperature Distribution Inside a Tree Under Fire Conditions
JJ Costa, LA Oliveira, DX Viegas and LP Neto
pp. 87-96
WF9910101Modelling Moisture Damping for Fire Spread in a Mixture of Live and Dead Fuels
EA Catchpole and WR Catchpole
pp. 101-106
WF9910107Basal Injury From Smoldering Fires in Mature Pinus ponderosa Laws
KC Ryan and WH Frandsen
pp. 107-118
WF9910119Initial Floristics in Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) Forests Following the 1988 Yellowstone Fires
JE Anderson and WH Romme
pp. 119-124
WF9910125Analysis of Experimental Simulation of Ground Surface Heating During a Prescribed Burn
D Pafford, VK Dhir, E Anderson and J Cohen
pp. 125-146