An exploratory analysis of forest fine fuel consumption and accumulation using forest inventory data and fire history
Trung H. Nguyen![](/media/client/orcid_16x16.png)
Estimating changes in fine fuel loads (FFL) is essential for carbon monitoring and fire management. Field measurements of post-fire fuel response are challenging, leading to reliance on generalised fuel types in operational models.
This study presents a proof-of-concept for estimating fine fuel consumption and accumulation by integrating forest inventory and fire records, aiming to refine fuel dynamics estimates and enhance current practices.
We estimated FFL changes across vertical strata in southeast Australian eucalypt forests, considering burn severity, fire type and forest cover. Fuel consumption was estimated by correlating pre-fire observations with combustion factors defined by burn severity. Fuel accumulation was predicted using modified Olson models with dynamic input parameters.
Wildfires typically occurred in forests with higher FFL and consumed more fuels than prescribed burns. Closed forests experienced greater fuel loss compared with open and woodland forests. Increasing fire severity led to lower decomposition rates and a longer time to reach pre-fire FFL, with denser forests showing higher accumulation rates.
Integrating forest inventory and fire history data offers valuable insights into fuel dynamics, potentially enhancing existing fuel hazard models.
The approach is applicable in regions with mature forest inventories and advanced fire severity mapping.
Keywords: accumulation, burn severity, consumption, eucalypt forests, fine fuel, fine fuel load estimation, forest cover, forest inventory, prescribed burn, wildfire.
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