Understanding the challenges in bushfire map use and effective decision-making amongst the Australian public
Rosie Morrison
Bushfire maps are an important tool in public decision-making during bushfire events; however, they are understudied in the global literature.
This study uses qualitative data from three locations in Australia in 2022 and 2023 to understand how maps are used during a bushfire event by members of the public.
The results show that maps provide an array of information during bushfires including information on the bushfire itself, traffic, and the weather. This information helped individuals form risk assessments. However, the trustworthiness and credibility of maps were questioned by participants owing to a lack of perceived timely updates and inconsistency between information sources. Participants expressed a desire for maps to convey more detailed information on the bushfire and related events; however, prior evidence suggests that people may misinterpret complex maps.
This study found that it is important that bushfire maps are updated in a timely manner, clearly display their time and date of issue, and include relevant information, with an understanding that including too much or complex information may be problematic for comprehension.
These findings have implications for how bushfire maps should be designed and disseminated to the public to ensure comprehension.
Keywords: Australia, bushfire, bushfire maps, hazard response, qualitative, wildfires.
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