A neural network model to study factors impacting the selection of hazardous fuel treatment types in Colorado’s national forests
Shayne Magstadt A * and Yu Wei AA
Selecting suitable fuel treatment locations and types is important for reducing wildfire risks in Colorado’s national forests. Understanding factors influencing these decisions is needed for effective management.
This study analyses land management data from 2015 to 2024 using a single multiclass neural network model to understand the drivers influencing fuel treatment decisions in 11 Colorado national forests.
We utilise Forest Activity Tracking System data, incorporating variables such as wildfire risk, landscape features and human influences. The model employs a feed-forward backpropagation technique to train a neural network model on the spatial dataset.
The model identifies significant factors associated with past fuel treatment decisions, including burn probability, wildfire hazard potential, conditional flame length and proximity to structures. Analysis reveals the importance of these variables in shaping treatment selection strategies, the model AUC (area under curve) of 0.91 indicating strong predictive performance across the six treatment categories.
Neural networks provide a robust method for analysing past fuel treatment choices. Accurately identifying key factors, this approach provides suggestions to improve future fuel treatment decisions.
This approach can enhance wildfire mitigation planning across Colorado’s national forests. The findings support more informed wildfire mitigation strategies, with potential applications extending to broader forest management practices.
Keywords: artificial neural networks, Colorado national forests, data-driven decision making, geospatial analysis, hazardous fuel treatment, landscape analysis, machine learning, mechanical fuel treatment, prescribed fire, spatial data analysis.
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