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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

Spatial interpolation and simulation of post-burn duff thickness after prescribed fire

International Journal of Wildland Fire 9(2) 137 - 143
Published: 1999


Prescribed fire is used as a site treatment after timber harvesting. These fires result in spatial patterns with some portions consuming all of the forest floor material (duff) and others consuming little. Prior to the burn, spatial sampling of duff thickness and duff water content can be used to generate geostatistical spatial simulations of these characteristics. Results from field studies indicated that spatial patterns of duff characteristics occurred, and they were then modeled by kriging, simulation and a trend-surface modeling techniques. The higher elevations of the study unit burned more severely than the lower portion. This is believed to be due to the heat generated by the fire drying out the upper portions of the units, thus consuming more duff material and thinner pre-burn duff thickness due to ground-based harvesting techniques. Attempts to predict duff consumption and subsequent post-burn duff thickness were successful using a trend-surface model developed for this site and a general duff consumption model. Knowledge of spatial patterns of duff remaining may help land managers adjust prescriptions and alter ignition patterns to reduce areas where total consumption of duff might occur.

Keywords: Geostatistics, Forest floor, Duff water content, Spatial patterns, Northern Rocky Mountains.

© IAWF 1999

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