Current status of embryo models created from pluripotent stem cells
Maria Carolina Zimara A , Toshihiko Ezashi A and Ye Yuan
The mystery of genesis has fascinated human inquiry ever since Aristotle in the 4th century BCE and likely even earlier. Observations of carcinomas in the last century led to the derivation of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. These remarkable cells recently allowed scientists to develop embryo models that emulate the natural developmental behavior of embryos. In this review, we present how this line of research is unfolding, and discuss its applications in human in vitro fertilization, regenerative medicine, animal reproduction and conservation. As we navigate this frontier, human genesis continues to inspire and challenge, shaping our understanding of life’s fundamental processes and opening doors to unprecedented applications of stem cell technologies.
Keywords: agriculture animal, blastoids, developmental biology, embryo models, embryogenesis, embryoids, gastrulation, human IVF, peri-implantation development, pluripotent stem cells, pre-implantation development, regenerative medicine.
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