Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 26 Number 6 1973
JS Frederiksen and WS Woolcock
pp. 691-702
PH730725Separable Representation of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the 3S1?3D1 Channel
IR Afnan and JM Read
pp. 725-738
PH730739Polarization Studies of Ground?State Radiation from the 2·21 and 2·73 MeV Levels of 27Al
PR Gardner, AM Baxter, RAI Bell, LE Carlson, DC Kean, TR Ophel and RH Spear
pp. 739-746
PH730747Spin?Parity Combinations in 32S
PR Gardner, DC Kean, RH Spear, AM Baxter, RAI Bell and LE Carlson
pp. 747-760
PH730761Secondary Ionization Mechanisms in an E × B Discharge in Hydrogen
J Fletcher and TI Walsh
pp. 761-770
PH730797Transequatorial V.H.F. Transmissions and Solar-Related Phenomena
MP Heeran and EH Carman
pp. 797-804
PH730805Some Theoretical Considerations on Remote Probing of Weakly Scattering Irregularities
BH Briggs and RA Vincent
pp. 805-814
PH730837Hydrogen Content of Young Stellar Clusters. II. Clusters NGC2175, 2264, 2353, and 2362
HM Tovmassian and ET Shahbazian
pp. 837-842
PH730843Hydrogen Content of Young Stellar Clusters. III. Clusters NGC3293, 6167, 6193, 6200, and 6204
HM Tovmassian, ET Shahbazian and SE Nersessian
pp. 843-852
PH730853Hydrogen Content of Young Stellar Clusters. IV.Clusters NGC6231, 6383, 6514, and 6531
HM Tovmassian, SE Nersessian and ET Shahbazian
pp. 853-860
PH730861Hydrogen Content of Young Stellar Clusters. V. Clusters NGC6604, 6611, and 6823
HM Tovmassian and SE Nersessian
pp. 861-866
PH730901Helium Abundances in Four Galactic HII Regions from Radio Recombination Line Observations
WK Huchtmeier and RA Batchelor
pp. 901-902