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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Spin?Parity Combinations in 32S

PR Gardner, DC Kean, RH Spear, AM Baxter, RAI Bell and LE Carlson

Australian Journal of Physics 26(6) 747 - 760
Published: 1973


Inelastically scattered IX-particles from the reaction 32S(IX, 1X')32S have been studied with solid state counters at extreme backward angles in order to determine spin-parity combinations for levels in 32S at excitation energies Ex up to 7 ·15 MeV. The results confirm the well-established spin and parity values, show that the 5· 798 MeV spin 1 state has negative parity, and provide narrow limits for the possible spin and parity values of the 6'410,6' 666,6' 762, and 6· 854 MeV levels. A previously unreported natural parity level was found at Ex = 6·58 MeV. Magnetic analysis of the reaction 32S(p, p')32S confirmed the existence of this level and established its excitation energy as 6·581±0·003 MeV. Particle-y-ray coincidence studies showed that this level decays predominantly by y-ray transitions to the 2·23 MeV 2 + state.

© CSIRO 1973

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