Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 44 Number 1 1991
PH910033Quantum Electrodynamic Processes in Laser Beams Focused by Lenses with f = 1
HS Perlman, GJ Troup, AF Hartin and PM Derlet
pp. 33-38
PH910039High Energy Electron Impact Ionisation of H(1s) in Coplanar Asymmetric Geometry
Colm T Whelan, HRJ Walters, J Hansen and RM Dreizler
pp. 39-58
PH910059Lateral and Axial Magnetisation in the Inverse Faraday Effect for the Interaction of Waves in Plasma
Susmita Sarkar, B Bera, Manoranjan Khan and B Chakraborty
pp. 59-66
PH910067The Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Barrier Height of p-type PtSi Schottky Diodes
Vincent WL Chin, Stephen M Newbery, John WV Storey and Ulrich Theden
pp. 67-72
PH910073Heat Conduction through Support Pillars in Evacuated Windows
RE Collins, L Poladian, BA Pailthorpe and RC McPhedran
pp. 73-86