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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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3+ States of 8Be

FC Barker and Nasima Ferdous

Australian Journal of Physics 31(4) 239 - 252
Published: 1978


Level parameters for the 3+ doublet at about 19 MeV in "Be are obtained from a two-level R-matrix fit to the 7Li+p 5P3 phase shift, using the restrictions of the two-state isospin mixing model. The energy of the lower level is appreciably below the accepted value. Predicted contributions from the 3 + levels to the cross sections for the reactions 7Li(p, n), 7Li(p, y), lOBed, ex) and 9Be(d, t) are compared with measured values, and qualitative agreement is obtained. The new values of the level parameters give agreement with values of the isospin mixing matrix element and of the excitation energy difference of the 3 +, T = 1 states in "Li and "Be, calculated assuming that the charge-dependent nteraction is purely Coulomb.

© CSIRO 1978

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