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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
A journal for the publication of original research in all branches of physics

Quantum Mechanics in Finite Dimensions

TS Santhanam and KB Sinha

Australian Journal of Physics 31(4) 233 - 238
Published: 1978


This paper contributes to a recent series discussing quantum mechanics defined on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space in which Weyl's commutation relation for unitary operators holds. In an earlier paper, Santhanam and Tekumalla (1976) showed that the commutation relation for hermitian operators with a bounded spectrum tends to Hdsenberg's standard canonical commutation relation as the spectrum becomes continuous and the dimension n -> 00. The present paper offers a formulation which is coordinate free in the limit n -> 00 and makes the limiting procedure especially ransparent.

© CSIRO 1978

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