Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 31 Numbers 3 & 4 1978
PH780253Threshold Effects in Proton-induced Reactions on Copper
ZE Switkowski, JCP Heggie and FM Mann
pp. 253-266
PH780299A Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Behaviour of Electron Swarms in Hydrogen Using an Anisotropic Scattering Model
HA Blevin, J Fletcher and SR Hunter
pp. 299-312
PH780333The Accuracy of Frequency Standards disseminated by HF Radio Paths through the Ionosphere
ML Heron and RJ Rose
pp. 333-346
PH780351A Southern Hemisphere Survey of the Galactic Plane at 5 GHz
RF Haynes, JL Caswell and LWJ Simons
pp. 351-352