Volume 110 Number 1 2010
RESEARCH FRONT: Avian Biodiversity: Evolution in Action
MU09076The evolution of plumage colouration in parrots: a review
Mathew L. Berg and Andrew T. D. Bennett
pp. 10-20
MU09032The coevolutionary arms race between Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos and Superb Fairy-wrens
N. E. Langmore and R. M. Kilner
pp. 32-38
MU09034Adaptation and function of the bills of Darwin's finches: divergence by feeding type and sex
Anthony Herrel, Joris Soons, Peter Aerts, Joris Dirckx, Matthieu Boone, Patric Jacobs, Dominique Adriaens and Jeffrey Podos
pp. 39-47
MU09023Altered timing of avian movements in a peri-urban environment and its relationship to climate
Lynda E. Chambers
pp. 48-53
MU09067Patterns of daily activity of Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri) in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Rutledge S. Boyes and Mike R. Perrin
pp. 54-65
MU09088Diel variations in plasma glucose concentration in some South African avian frugivores
Kerileigh Lobban, Colleen Downs and Mark Brown
pp. 66-70
MU09039Do implanted data-loggers affect the time spent at sea by Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) during winter?
W. J. Ritchie, J. A. Green, P. Dann, P. J. Butler and P. B. Frappell
pp. 71-77
MU09053Comparison of trip duration, activity pattern and diving behaviour by Red-tailed Tropicbirds (Phaethon rubricauda) during incubation and chick-rearing
Julia Sommerfeld and Janos C. Hennicke
pp. 78-86
MU09055Mercury levels in the feathers of breeding seabirds in the Seychelles, western Indian Ocean, from 1996 to 2005
Jaime A. Ramos and Paula C. Tavares
pp. 87-91
MU09058What do museum specimens tell us about the impact of urbanisation? A comparison of the recent and historical bird communities of Sydney
Richard E. Major and Holly Parsons
pp. 92-103
MU09097Patterns of offspring sex-ratio in a re-establishing population of Black-winged Petrels (Pterodroma nigripennis)
Stefanie M. H. Ismar, Karen Baird, Emily Favell and Mark E. Hauber
pp. 104-108