Mapping knowledge structure and research frontiers of underwater acoustic tomography: a scientometric study
Masoud Bahreinimotlagh
Underwater acoustic tomography (UAT) is a powerful tool for monitoring oceans, seas and inland waters.
This study presents a scientometric analysis of UAT and examines future research trends.
A comprehensive analysis of 449 Scopus-indexed publications across 135 journals from 1979 to 2023 was conducted to provide an in-depth examination of UAT.
More than 760 researchers from 18 countries have contributed to UAT research, resulting in ~40 distinct applications (e.g. four-dimensional (3-D + time) measurement of sound speed, temperature and flow velocity, as well as the localisation of autonomous underwater vehicles). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America accounts for nearly 30% of these publications. Four major organisations have provided ~80% of the funding for the UAT research, namely, the US Office of Naval Research (31%), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (25%), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (13%) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (11%).
Despite its unique capabilities, UAT technique still faces significant challenges to widespread adoption.
Overcoming obstacles such as mass production, the development of high-frequency systems (exceeding 60 kHz) for laboratory-scale experiments and the creation of user-friendly software is essential for advancing UAT technology.
Keywords: applications, challenges, coastal acoustic tomography, coastal monitoring, fluvial acoustic tomography, future perspectives, ocean acoustic tomography, ocean monitoring, river and estuary monitoring.
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