Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 28 Number 3 1977
MF9770269Organic content of some saline lake sediments in western Victoria
R Marchant and WD Williams
pp. 269-275
MF9770277Heavy metals, selenium and arsenic in nine species of Australian commercial fish
GN Bebbington, NJ Mackay, R Chvojka, RJ Williams, A Dunn and EH Auty
pp. 277-286
MF9770287Reproductive cycles in the eastern subspecies of the Australian salmon, Arripis trutta marginata (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
CA Stanley and WB Malcolm
pp. 287-301
MF9770311Rates of carbon fixation, organic carbon release and translocation in a reef-building foraminifer, Marginopora vertebralis
DF Smith and WJ Wiebe
pp. 311-319
MF9770321Origin of the surface tropical water in the Coral and Tasman Seas
JR Donguy and C Henin
pp. 321-332
MF9770333Fine-scale surface currents in the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia : effect of tide and topography
WM Hammer and IR Hauri
pp. 333-359
MF9770361A revision of the Emmelichthyidae (Pisces : Perciformes)
PC Heemstra and JE Randall
pp. 361-396
MF9770397A batch method for the determination of ion-exchangeable trace metals in natural waters
BT Hart and HR Davies
pp. 397-402