Metamorphosis of the final phyllosoma and secondary lecithotrophy in the puerulus of Panulirus cygnus George: a review
Paulette S. McWilliam and Bruce F. Phillips
Marine and Freshwater Research
48(8) 783 - 790
Published: 1997
The final phyllosoma of Panulirus cygnus metamorphoses to a non-feeding puerulus that lives on energy reserves accumulated in the final larva, and the metamorphic moult occurs mainly in the slope region adjoining the shelf-break off Western Australia. A review of the literature on field studies, laboratory rearing and nutritional studies of phyllosomal and other decapod zoeal larvae provided no evidence that metamorphosis in P. cygnus (or other shallow-water palinurids) is triggered by a direct environmental cue. It did indicate that metamorphosis results from the culmination of sustained nutrition and reserve energy levels through the later larval phase. Therefore, since the puerulus is secondarily lecithotrophic, it is considered that metamorphosis occurs only after the final phyllosoma has reached some critical, specific, level of stored energy reserves. Appropriate food for later larval development and successful metamorphosis of P. cygnus is more abundant in the shelf-break region (than further offshore) because this is a region of high plankton and micronekton biomass dominated by the Leeuwin Current. It also explains why metamorphosis occurs mainly in the shelf-break region. This review indicates research necessary for evaluation of the present interpretation and of larval recruitment processes in this species.
© CSIRO 1997