Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 48 Number 8 1997
Lobster Biology and Management
MF97184Habitat use and growth of juvenile ornate rock lobsters, Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius, 1798), in Torres Strait, Australia
D. M. Dennis, T. D. Skewes and C. R. Pitcher
pp. 663-670
MF97198Nocturnal foraging of the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus ) on offshore reefs of Florida, USA
Carrollyn Cox, John H. Hunt, William G. Lyons and Gary E. Davis
pp. 671-680
MF97047Arrangement and significance of pinnate sensory setae on antennae of the puerulus and post-puerulus of the spiny lobster, Jasus edwardsii (Palinuridae)
Andrew Jeffs, Carol E. Diebel and Simon H. Hooker
pp. 681-686
MF97125Life history of the spotted spiny lobster, Panulirus guttatus , an obligate reef-dweller
William C. Sharp, John H. Hunt and William G. Lyons
pp. 687-698
MF97130Puerulus of the spiny lobster Panulirus guttatus (Latreille, 1804) (Palinuridae)
Patricia Briones-Fourzán and Paulette S. McWilliam
pp. 699-706
MF97128Behaviour and growth of captive spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus ) under the risk of predation
Enrique Lozano-Alvarez and Ehud Spanier
pp. 707-714
MF97131Statocyst of Jasus edwardsii pueruli (Crustacea, Palinuridae), with a review of crustacean statocysts
Hideo Sekiguchi and Takanori Terazawa
pp. 715-720
MF96105Role of mangrove habitat as a nursery for juvenile spiny lobster, Panulirus argus , in Belize
Charles A. Acosta and Mark J. Butler IV
pp. 721-728
MF97204Quantitative relationships between postlarval production and benthic recruitment in lobsters, Homarus americanus
Lewis S. Incze, Richard A. Wahle and J. Stanley Cobb
pp. 729-744
MF97191Age structure of Panulirus ornatus in two habitats in Torres Strait, Australia
T. D. Skewes, D. M. Dennis, C. R. Pitcher and B. G. Long
pp. 745-750
MF97158Den sharing by juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus ) in nursery habitat: cooperation or coincidence?
Michael J. Childress and William F. Herrnkind
pp. 751-758
MF97193Role of physical refugia: implications from a mass sponge die-off in a lobster nursery in Florida
William F. Herrnkind, Mark J. Butler IV, John H. Hunt and Michael Childress
pp. 759-770
MF97168Oceanic processes affecting lobster larvae: report from a workshop
J. Stanley Cobb
pp. 771-775
MF97083Influence of light regimes on phyllosomal growth and timing of moulting in Thenus orientalis (Lund) (Decapoda: Scyllaridae)
Satoshi Mikami and Jack G. Greenwood
pp. 777-782
MF97159Metamorphosis of the final phyllosoma and secondary lecithotrophy in the puerulus of Panulirus cygnus George: a review
Paulette S. McWilliam and Bruce F. Phillips
pp. 783-790
MF97148Effects of temperature on growth of the Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus (V. Siebold) phyllosomas under laboratory conditions
Hirokazu Matsuda and Takashi Yamakawa
pp. 791-796
MF97219Recruitment strategies in lobsters and crabs: a comparison
J. Stanley Cobb, John D. Booth and Michael Clancy
pp. 797-806
MF97194Hydrodynamic decoupling of recruitment, habitat quality and adult abundance in the Caribbean spiny lobster: source–sink dynamics?
R. N. Lipcius, W. T. Stockhausen, D. B. Eggleston, L. S. Marshall Jr and B. Hickey
pp. 807-816
MF97197Physiology and live transport of lobsters: report from a workshop
H. H. Taylor, B. D. Paterson, R. J. Wong and R. M. G. Wells
pp. 817-822
MF97084Live transport and marketing of spiny lobsters in India
M. Vijayakumaran and E. V. Radhakrishnan
pp. 823-828
MF97137Stress indicators in marine decapod crustaceans, with particular reference to the grading of western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus ) during commercial handling
Brian D. Paterson and Patrick T. Spanoghe
pp. 829-834
MF97069Haemolymph chemistry of tropical rock lobsters (Panulirus ornatus ) brought onto a mother ship from a catching dinghy in Torres Strait
Brian D. Paterson, Stephen G. Grauf and Ross A. Smith
pp. 835-838
MF97203Relative influence of environmental factors and processing techniques on Panulirus cygnus morbidity and mortality during simulated live shipments
Patrick T. Spanoghe and P. K. Bourne
pp. 839-844
MF97082Biochemical composition as a growth predictor in male west-coast rock lobster (Jasus lalandii )
A. C. Cockcroft
pp. 845-856
MF97205Enhancement of both cardiac contraction and metabolism by a transient cooling of the lobster Panulirus japonicus
Taketeru Kuramoto and Masaki Tani
pp. 857-862
MF97216Total and differential haemocyte counts in western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus George) under post-harvest stress
Japo Jussila, Jeff Jago, Elena Tsvetnenko, Bob Dunstan and Louis H. Evans
pp. 863-868
MF97170Oogenesis and ovarian development cycle of the spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus (Decapoda:Palinuridae)
Megumi Minagawa and Motohiko Sano
pp. 875-888
MF97071Respiratory responses to air-exposure in the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) (Decapoda:Palinuridae)
H. Harry Taylor and Francesca M. Waldron
pp. 889-898
MF97181Aquaculture and stock enhancement of lobsters: report from a workshop
B. F. Phillips and L. H. Evans
pp. 899-902
MF97156Growth of captive Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) (Crustacea:Palinuridae) in north-eastern New Zealand
Simon H. Hooker, Andrew G. Jeffs, Robert G. Creese and Kala Sivaguru
pp. 903-910
MF97160Upwelling tank for culturing rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii ) phyllosomas
J. Illingworth, L. J. Tong, G. A. Moss and T. D. Pickering
pp. 911-914
MF97126Preliminary acoustic tracking of native and transplanted European lobsters (Homarus gammarus ) in an open sea lagoon
Gro I. van der Meeren
pp. 915-922
MF97163Culture of larval spiny lobsters: a review of work done in northern Japan
Jiro Kittaka
pp. 923-930
MF97129Differences in growth and moult frequency among post-pueruli of Jasus edwardsii fed fresh, aged or frozen mussels
Philip J. James and Lennard J. Tong
pp. 931-934
MF97073Effect of brine-shrimp numbers on growth and survival of early-stage phyllosoma larvae of the rock lobster Jasus edwardsii
Lennard J. Tong, Graeme A. Moss, Megan M. Paewai and Timothy D. Pickering
pp. 935-940
MF97105Biological tags as moult indicators in Panulirus cygnus (George)
R. Melville-Smith, J. B. Jones and R. S. Brown
pp. 959-966
MF97070Population modelling of Tasmanian rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii , resources
André E. Punt and Robert B. Kennedy
pp. 967-980
MF97017Estimating the size-transition matrix for Tasmanian rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii
André E. Punt, Robert B. Kennedy and Stewart D. Frusher
pp. 981-992
MF97190Potential of a trap-fishery for deep-water rock lobster Palinurus delagoae off South Africa
J. C. Groeneveld and A. C. Cockcroft
pp. 993-1000
MF97209Estimating lobster recruitment and exploitation rate from landings by weight and numbers and age-specific weights
R. McGarvey, J. M. Matthews and J. H. Prescott
pp. 1001-1008
MF97161Jasus lalandii fishery in post-independence Namibia: monitoring population trends and stock recovery in relation to a variable environment
C. A. F. Grobler and K. R. Noli-Peard
pp. 1015-1022
MF97007A simple measure of price risk for Tasmanian southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii )
A. Stan Hurn and A. David McDonald
pp. 1023-1027
MF97201Recruitment overfishing reference point for the American lobster, Homarus americanus
G. P. Ennis and M. J. Fogarty
pp. 1029-1034
MF97169Simulation modelling of capture processes in trap fisheries for clawed lobsters
Julian T. Addison and Michael C. Bell
pp. 1035-1044
MF97217Evaluation of effort reduction in the Florida Keys spiny lobster, Panulirus argus , fishery using an age-structured population analysis
Robert G. Muller, John H. Hunt, Thomas R. Matthews and William C. Sharp
pp. 1045-1058
MF97199Fishery-independent surveys and stock assessment of Panulirus ornatus in Torres Strait
C. Roland Pitcher, Darren M. Dennis and Timothy D. Skewes
pp. 1059-1067
MF97200Precision of exploitation-rate estimates in the Tasmanian rock-lobster fishery based on change-in-ratio techniques
S. D. Frusher, R. B. Kennedy and I. D. Gibson
pp. 1069-1074
MF97230Comparison of data from voluntary logbook and research catch-sampling programmes in the New Zealand lobster fishery
Paul J. Starr and Marianne Vignaux
pp. 1075-1080
MF97186Management strategies in lobster fisheries: report from a workshop
John H. Annala and Kevin J. Sullivan
pp. 1081-1083
MF97171Evaluation of a management decision rule for a New Zealand rock lobster substock
Paul J. Starr, Paul A. Breen, Ray H. Hilborn and Terese H. Kendrick
pp. 1093-1101
MF97141A fisheries management success story: the Gisborne, New Zealand, fishery for red rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii )
Paul A. Breen and Terese H. Kendrick
pp. 1103-1110
MF97167Marine reserves and their effects on lobster populations: report from a workshop
Michael J. Childress
pp. 1111-1114
MF97185Consequences of fishing, with regard to lobster fisheries: report from a workshop
Richard A. Wahle
pp. 1115-1119
MF97202Tectonic plate movements and the evolution of Jasus and Panulirus spiny lobsters (Palinuridae)
R. W. George
pp. 1121-1130
MF97192Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of red and green rock lobsters (genus Jasus )
J. R. Ovenden, J. D. Booth and A. J. Smolenski
pp. 1131-1136