A study on water quality and pollution source investigation of Jinkengling Reservoir
Yiting Qi

Eutrophication pollution has emerged as a significant ecological concern on a global scale, with the quality of drinking water closely intertwined with the sustainability and advancement of rural communities.
The objective of this study was to conduct a comprehensive examination of pollution sources within the Jinkengling Reservoir, assess the extent of eutrophication pollution, and offer insights for the efficient management and regulation of the reservoir.
The investigation of exogenous pollution sources entailed an assessment of the pollution load, whereas the investigation of endogenous pollution sources centred on sediment testing and the analysis of sediment accumulation within the reservoir.
The examination of exogenous pollution sources in the reservoir indicated that nitrogen and phosphorus predominantly emanated from pollution resulting from municipal solid waste, fertiliser, and livestock and poultry farming. The analysis of endogenous pollution sources illustrated that sediment functions as a significant contributor of nutrient substances in the water.
The examination of exogenous pollution sources indicates the necessity for thorough control measures, whereas the study of endogenous pollution sources underscores the significance of sediment dredging in the reservoir.
This study offers insights to improve the ecological environment of local water bodies, and also has universal and reference significance for solving the global eutrophication pollution problem.
Keywords: eutrophication, exogenous pollution, internal pollution, investigation, Jinkengling Reservoir, nitrogen–phosphorus load, pollution sources, water quality.
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