Connecting young people to Country through marine turtle conservation: exploring three case studies in Western Australia’s Pilbara region
Clodagh Guildea
The world’s oceans are confronting many challenges, which are affecting threatened species such as marine turtles. To address these challenges, it is imperative that pro-environmental behaviors are cultivated in the wider community, and young people are provided opportunities to overcome socio-economic and geographical barriers to meaningfully experience nature. In the Pilbara region of Western Australia, Aboriginal Traditional Custodians share a deep connection and caring relationship with Country. Collaboration and partnership between Traditional Custodians and conservation programs are essential for empowering Aboriginal young people as future conservation leaders and to achieve long-term conservation goals. Western Australia’s Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, a government department, has been working with schools and community organisations across the Pilbara to support access to remote Sea Country and marine turtle conservation experiences for Aboriginal young people. By examining three case studies demonstrating the collaboration among the North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program, West Pilbara Turtle Program, Waalitj Foundation, Onslow School and Roebourne District High School, this article explores the importance of building partnerships, providing additional on-Country opportunities for young people, and enabling future pathways for the longevity of long-term conservation programs and the health of the environment and communities.
Keywords: Aboriginal, behaviour, connection, conservation, education, First Nations, flatback turtle, Indigenous, marine turtle, nature, Sea Country, Traditional Custodians, youth.
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