Diversity and distribution of copepods (Class: Maxillopoda, Subclass: Copepoda) in groundwater habitats across South-East Asia
Mark Louie D. Lopez
A Biodiversity Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Normal University, Nankang District, Taipei 11529, Taiwan, ROC.
B Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Wenshan District, Taipei 11677, Taiwan, ROC.
C Department of Biological Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Manila, 1015, Philippines.
D Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Manila, 1015, Philippines.
E The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Manila, 1015, Philippines.
F Corresponding author. Email: marklouiedlopez@gmail.com
Marine and Freshwater Research 71(3) 374-383 https://doi.org/10.1071/MF19044
Submitted: 8 February 2019 Accepted: 20 May 2019 Published: 15 August 2019
Copepods have successfully penetrated the groundwater realm through a series of morphological diversifications and adaptations. Research on this taxon has increased over the past decade because of its potential in revealing the status of groundwater environmental health and biodiversity. Despite efforts in documenting this group in other regions, groundwater copepods in South-East Asia remain barely studied. To date, only 47 species belonging to 22 genera from Harpacticoida, Cyclopoida and Calanoida have been documented from groundwater and groundwater-dependent habitats across the region. The steep species accumulation curve from 1980 up to the present indicates a high possibility of discovering more new species. Spatial distribution shows high local endemicity than regional scales, where some species considered to be rare and endemic were actually common in local habitats. Overall, the low number of records in the region is because of the lack of experts and limited accessibility to groundwater and dependent ecosystems, like aquifers and groundwater wells. A more intensive effort in documenting the diversity and distribution of groundwater copepods and building collaborations between experts in the region is highly needed. This information is important in drafting future conservation and management policies for the groundwater resources in the region.
Additional keywords: Calanoida, caves, Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, hyporheic zone.
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