Microbiology Australia
Volume 37 Number 4 2016
Microbial Diseases of Travel
A special issue in association with The Microbiology Society
MA16056Dengue and the introduction of mosquito-transmitted viruses into Australia
Andrew F van den Hurk
pp. 167-169
MA16058From zero to zero in 100 years: gonococcal antimicrobial resistance
Monica M Lahra, Jo-Anne R Dillon, CR Robert George, David A Lewis, Teodora E Wi and David M Whiley
pp. 173-176
MA16061Global surveillance and response to the threat posed by infectious diseases
Alan P. Johnson and Joanne Freedman
pp. 182-185
MA16063Chytridiomycosis as a cause of global amphibian declines
Thomas J. Burns, Mark S. Greener and Paul A. Hoskisson
pp. 190-193
MA16064Cracking the genetic code of our cities: researchers around the world aim to map the urban genome
Sofia Ahsanuddin, Ebrahim Afshinnekoo and Christopher E. Mason
pp. 194-197