Microbiology Australia
Volume 37 Number 3 2016
Diseases of Aquaculture
MA16037Antibiotic resistance associated with aquaculture in Vietnam
Hoang Nam Kha Nguyen, Thi Thu Hao Van and Peter J Coloe
pp. 108-111
MA16039Providencia rettgeri septicaemia in farmed crocodiles
Suresh Benedict and Catherine M Shilton
pp. 114-117
MA16040Vaccination against streptococcal infections in farmed fish
Andrew C Barnes and Oleksandra Rudenko
pp. 118-121
MA16041Testing the efficacy of probiotics for disease control in aquaculture
Gavin Partridge
pp. 122-123
MA16043Pacific oyster mortality syndrome: a marine herpesvirus active in Australia
Richard Whittington, Paul Hick, Olivia Evans, Ana Rubio, Navneet Dhand and Ika Paul-Pont
pp. 126-128
MA16047Disease threats to wild and cultured abalone in Australia
Cecile Dang and Terrence L Miller
pp. 137-139
MA16048Amoebic gill disease: a growing threat
Jessica Johnson-Mackinnon, Tina Oldham and Barbara Nowak
pp. 140-142
MA16049Unprecedented toxic algal blooms impact on Tasmanian seafood industry
Gustaaf Hallegraeff and Christopher Bolch
pp. 143-144
MA16051Chronic rhinosinusitis: a microbiome in dysbiosis and the search for alternative treatment options
Amanda Bordin, Hanna E Sidjabat, Kyra Cottrell and Anders Cervin
pp. 149-152