Microbiology Australia
Volume 34 Number 4 2013
Diagnostics into the Future
MA13056Diagnostics into the future
Theo P Sloots, Cheryl Bletchly and Mark Krockenberger
pp. 167-169
MA13057Nanoparticle sample preparation and mass spectrometry for rapid diagnosis of microbial infections
Andrea Ranzoni, Hanna Sidjabat and Matthew A Cooper
pp. 170-174
MA13058High-throughput molecular typing of microbes using the Sequenom Massarray platform
David Whiley, Ella Trembizki, Melanie Syrmis, Jenny Nakos, Cheryl Bletchly, Michael Nissen, Graeme Nimmo and Theo P Sloots
pp. 175-177
MA13060Massively parallel sequencing for the microbiologist
David Warrilow and Richard JN Allcock
pp. 180-181
MA13064Q fever: pets, vets and validating tests
Jacqueline M Norris, Katrina L Bosward and Jane Heller
pp. 186-188
MA13068Biological recovery of phosphorus from municipal wastewater
Maneesha P Ginige, Sara Salehi Lashkajani and Ka Yu Cheng
pp. 194-196