Feasibility of accelerometry in a self-directed upper limb activity program of a subacute setting with stroke survivors
Tamara Tse

Wearable devices, such as accelerometers, offer novel approaches to measuring post-stroke upper limb activity. Limited studies have explored feasibility of accelerometry. Guided by the Bowen Feasibility Framework, this feasibility study aimed to examine the practicality, acceptability, and limited efficacy of accelerometry in a self-directed upper limb program with stroke survivors using a pre-post study of sequentially eligible inpatients.
Key metrics were: practicality (60% of participants had 10 hours of wear per day for 3 or more days), acceptability (adherence to recommended wear-time), and limited efficacy (correlation between Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) and upper limb use from accelerometry data).
Twelve stroke survivors were recruited over 7 months, mean age 73 years (range 39–94 years). Eight participants (67%) met the practicality and acceptability criteria. A moderate positive correlation existed between WMFT and upper limb use at admission (rs = 0.33, P = 0.42) and at discharge (rs = 0.42, P = 0.34).
Wearable devices were feasible and acceptable for most stroke survivors, however, one-third found the devices uncomfortable, and this should be factored into sample size calculations of future studies.
Keywords: accelerometry, activity trackers, arm use, physical activity, rehabilitation, wearable devices, wearable electronic devices, upper extremity.
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