David Albert Cooper 1949–2018
Anthony D. Kelleher
David Cooper was an internationally renowned immunologist and HIV clinician who spearheaded Australia’s world-leading HIV response. Known for advocacy and community engagement, he made several world-first discoveries on HIV pathogenesis and treatment. He was involved in the development of every HIV drug used in Australia and drove the introduction of antiretroviral pre‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in NSW. He established, then led, the Kirby Institute for thirty-two years, remaining at the forefront of communicable disease research in Australia and internationally.
Keywords: AIDS, clinician scientist, HIV, immunology, infectious disease, memoir, pandemic, virology.
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Carr, A., and Cooper, D. A. (1998) Lipodystrophy associated with an HIV-protease inhibitor, The New England Journal of Medicine, 339(18), 1296.
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Carr, A., Workman, C., Smith, D. E., Hoy, J., Hudson, J., Doong, N., Martin, A., Amin, J., Freund, J., Law, M., Cooper, D. A., and for the Mitochondrial Toxicity (MITOX) Study Group (2002) Abacavir substitution for nucleoside analogs in patients with HIV lipoatrophy: a randomized trial, JAMA, 288(2), 207-215.
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Cooper, D. A., and Dodds, A. J. (1986) Letter to the Editor: Aids and Prostitutes, Medical Journal of Australia, 145(1), 55.
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Cooper, D. A., and Pantaleo, G. (2015) One year on: vale Joep Lange, Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, 10(4), 215.
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Cooper, D. A., Duckett, M., Hansen, P., Petts, V., and Penny, R. (1981a) Glucocorticosteroid enhancement of immunoglobulin synthesis by pokeweed mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes, Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 44(1), 129-136.
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Cooper, D. A., Gold, J., Maclean, P., Donovan, B., Finlayson, R., Barnes, T. G., Michelmore, H. M., Brooke, P., Penny, R., and for the Sydney AIDS Study Group (1985) Acute AIDS retrovirus infection. Definition of a clinical illness associated with seroconversion, The Lancet, 1(8428), 537-540.
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Delta Coordinating Committee (1996) Delta: a randomised double-blind controlled trial comparing combinations of zidovudine plus didanosine or zalcitabine with zidovudine alone in HIV-infected individuals, The Lancet, 348(9023), 283-291.
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Delta Coordinating Committee (2001) Evidence for prolonged clinical benefit from initial combination antiretroviral therapy: Delta extended follow-up, HIV Medicine, 2(3), 181-188.
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ENCORE1 Study Group (2014) Efficacy of 400 mg efavirenz versus standard 600 mg dose in HIV-infected, antiretroviral-naive adults (ENCORE1): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority trial, The Lancet, 383(9927), 1474-1482.
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Grulich, A. E., Jin, F., Bavinton, B. R., Yeung, B., Hammoud, M. A., Amin, J., Cabrera, G., Clackett, S., Ogilvie, E., Vaccher, S., Vickers, T., McNulty, A., Smith, D. J., Dharan, N. J., Selvey, C., Power, C., Price, K., Zablotska, I., Baker, D. A., Bloch, M., Brown, K., Carmody, C. J., Carr, A., Chanisheff, D., Doong, N., Finlayson, R., Lewis, D. A., Lusk, J., Martin, S., Ooi, C., Read, P., Ryder, N., Smith, D., Tuck Meng Soo, C., Templeton, D. J., Vlahakis, E., Guy, R., and for the Expanded PrEP Implementation in Communities New South Wales (EPIC-NSW) research group (2021) Long-term protection from HIV infection with oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in gay and bisexual men: findings from the expanded and extended EPIC-NSW prospective implementation study, The Lancet HIV, 8(8), 486-494.
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INSIGHT-ESPRIT Study Group and SILCAAT Scientific Committee, Abrams, D., Lévy, Y., Losso, M. H., Babiker, A., Collins, G., Cooper, D. A., Darbyshire, J., Emery, S., Fox, L., Gordin, F., Lane, H. C., Lundgren, J. D., Mitsuyasu, R., Neaton, J. D., Phillips, A., Routy, J. P., Tambussi, G., and Wentworth, D. (2009) Interleukin-2 therapy in patients with HIV infection, The New England Journal of Medicine, 361(16), 1548-1559.
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International AIDS Society (2017), ‘David Cooper’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDRC6iqfx7M, viewed October 2023.
Kirby, M. (1996) Human rights and the HIV paradox, The Lancet, 348(9036), 1217-1218.
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Kirby, T. (2016) David Cooper: Australia’s fighter against HIV and discrimination, The Lancet, 388(10059), 2469.
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Kirby, M. (2018) ‘Professor David Cooper AC Memorial Service’ (speech), https://livestream.com/accounts/5690925/events/8246707, viewed October 2023.
Mardi Gras and Ward 17 South: 35 years on (n.d.) St Vincent’s Curran Foundation, https://www.supportstvincents.com.au/about-us/our-stories/35-years-since-hiv-aids-ward-opening-17-south/, viewed October 2023.
McLaws, M. L., Brown, A. R., Cunningham, P. H., Imrie, A. A., Wilcken, B., and Cooper, D. A. (1990) Prevalence of maternal HIV infection based on anonymous testing of neonates, Sydney 1989, Medical Journal of Australia, 153(7), 383-386.
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Meuer, S. C., Cooper, D. A., Hodgdon, J. C., Hussey, R. E., Morimoto, C., Schlossman, S. F., and Reinherz, E. L. (1983a) Immunoregulatory human T lymphocytes triggered as a consequence of viral infection: clonal analysis of helper, suppressor inducer and suppressor effector cell populations, Journal of Immunology, 131(3), 1167-1172.
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Meuer, S. C., Cooper, D. A., Hodgdon, J. C., Hussey, R. E., Fitzgerald, K. A., Schlossman, S. F., and Reinherz, E. L. (1983b) Identification of the receptor for antigen and major histocompatibility complex on human inducer T lymphocytes, Science, 222(4629), 1239-1242.
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Montaner, J. S. G., Reiss, P., Cooper, D., Vella, S., Harris, M., Conway, B., Wainberg, M. A., Smith, D., Robinson, P., Hall, D., Myers, M., Lange, J. M. A., and for the INCAS Study Group (1998) A randomized, double-blind trial comparing combinations of nevirapine, didanosine, and zidovudine for HIV-infected patients: The INCAS Trial, JAMA, 279(12), 930-937.
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SECOND-LINE Study Group, Boyd, M. A., Kumarasamy, N., Moore, C. L., Nwizu, C., Losso, M. H., Mohapi, L., Martin, A., Kerr, S., Sohn, A. H., Teppler, H., Van de Steen, O., Molina, J. M., Emery, S., and Cooper, D. A. (2013) Ritonavir-boosted lopinavir plus nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors versus ritonavir-boosted lopinavir plus raltegravir for treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults with virological failure of a standard first-line ART regimen (SECOND-LINE): a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority study, The Lancet, 381(9883), 2091-2099.
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Solomon, P. J., Wilson, S. R., Swanson, C. E., and Cooper, D. A. (1990) Effect of zidovudine on survival of patients with AIDS in Australia, Medical Journal of Australia, 153(5), 254-257.
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Sonnabend, D., Cooper, D., Fiddes, P. J., and Penny, R. (1972) Fibrin degradation products in thrombo-embolic disease, Pathology, 4(1), 47-51.
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Sydney AIDS Study Group (1984) The Sydney AIDS Project, Medical Journal of Australia, 141(9), 569-573.
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The INSIGHT START Study Group (2015) Initiation of antiretroviral therapy in early asymptomatic HIV infection, The New England Journal of Medicine, 373(9), 795-807.
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The Strategies for Management of Antiretroviral Therapy (SMART) Study Group, El-Sadr, W. M., Lundgren, J. D., Neaton, J. D., Gordin, F., Abrams, D., Arduino, R. C., Babiker, A., Burman, W., Clumeck, N., Cohen, C. J., Cohn, D., Cooper, D., Darbyshire, J., Emery, S., Fätkenheuer, G., Gazzard, B., Grund, B., Hoy, J., Klingman, K., Losso, M., Markowitz, N., Neuhaus, J., Phillips, A., and Rappoport, C. (2006) CD4+ count-guided interruption of antiretroviral treatment, The New England Journal of Medicine, 355(22), 2283-2296.
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Van de Ven, P., Noble, J., Kippax, S., Prestage, G., Crawford, J., Baxter, D., and Cooper, D. (1997) Gay youth and their precautionary sexual behaviors: the Sydney men and sexual health study, AIDS Education and Prevention, 9(5), 395-410.
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Van de Ven, P., Campbell, D., Kippax, S., Knox, S., Prestage, G., Crawford, J., Kinder, P., and Cooper, D. (1998) Gay men who engage repeatedly in unprotected anal intercourse with casual partners: the Sydney Men and Sexual Health Study, International Journal of STD & AIDS, 9(6), 336-340.
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Ward, J., Guy, R. J., Rumbold, A. R., McGregor, S., Wand, H., McManus, H., Dyda, A., Garton, L., Hengel, B., Silver, B. J., Taylor-Thomson, D., Knox, J., Donovan, B., Law, M., Maher, L., Fairley, C. K., Skov, S., Ryder, N., Moore, E., Mein, J., Reeve, C., Ah Chee, D., Boffa, J., Kaldor, J. M, and on behalf of the STRIVE investigators (2019) Strategies to improve control of sexually transmissible infections in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial, The Lancet Global Health, 7(11), 1553-1563.
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Ziegler, J. B., Cooper, D. A., Johnson, R. O., and Gold, J. (1985) Postnatal transmission of AIDS-associated retrovirus from mother to infant, The Lancet, 325(8434), 896-898.
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