Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 25 Number 2 2014
HEv25n2_EDThe Surgeon General’s ‘Smoking and Health’: a continuing challenge
HE13090Sustaining dignity? Food insecurity in homeless young people in urban Australia
Focus group discussions were conducted with homeless young people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. Despite the support of specialist youth homelessness services, participants reported varying degrees of food insecurity. Barriers to food security and nutrition included poverty, reduced access to fresh foods and a desire for convenience.
HE13096The feasibility and appeal of mobile ‘apps’ for supporting healthy food purchasing and consumption among socioeconomically disadvantaged women: a pilot study
This pilot study assessed the feasibility and appeal of existing hand-held mobile technology (iPod or iPad) ‘apps’ as tools for promoting healthy food planning, shopping and eating behaviours among 19 socioeconomically disadvantaged women. A 4-week trial of seven currently available apps showed that selected apps were useable and appealing to participants.
HE14044Understanding food security issues in remote Western Australian Indigenous communities
HE14044 Abstract | HE14044 Full Text | HE14044PDF (449 KB) Open Access Article
HE13081Public perceptions of cancer risk factors: a Western Australian study
A cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate the perception of cancer risk factors among Western Australian adults. Survey participants were asked to rate protective cancer factors and cancer risk factors to determine the alignment between scientifically established risk factors and the public’s perception of cancer risk factors.
HE13102Self-reported participation and beliefs about bowel cancer screening in New South Wales, Australia
Results from a population-based telephone survey of New South Wales adults were used to identify beliefs predicting participation in bowel cancer screening, as well as groups most likely to hold those beliefs. Education strategies promoting the need for screening in the absence of symptoms and correcting misconceptions about bowel cancer screening among subgroups of the New South Wales population may improve screening rates.
HE13093Treats: low socioeconomic status Australian parents’ provision of extra foods for their overweight or obese children
Overconsumption of treats is a contributor to children’s weight problems. This paper explores low socioeconomic parents’ beliefs and behaviours relating to their provision of treat foods for their overweight or obese children. There is considerable scope for improving these parents’ treating behaviours by understanding the relevant factors underpinning their situations and choices.
HE14009Australian school canteens: menu guideline adherence or avoidance?
This study of Australian online school canteen menus found that the majority of school canteens were not complying with relevant state or territory guidelines. Monitoring and enforcement by those responsible for policy together with efforts to build capacity for schools and manufacturers to improve the food supply may increase compliance.
HE14009 Abstract | HE14009 Full Text | HE14009PDF (243 KB) Open Access Article
HE13088Health policy in South Australia 2003–10: primary health care workforce perceptions of the impact of policy change on health promotion
We explore the impact of Australian policy reforms on health promotion. Thirty-nine interviews revealed workforce perceptions of the impact of policy changes. Health promoters experience contradictory policy and practice environments. This research should assist health promoters to advocate for more accountability in policy implementation to advance comprehensive primary health care.?
HE14011Review of policies and guidelines concerning adults’ alcohol consumption and promotion in Australian government schools
A desktop review was conducted to examine the policy approach of all Australian jurisdictions to the possession and use of alcohol, by adults, at government school events when students are present. Inconsistencies between jurisdictions highlights the need for consistent evidence-based guidelines to inform school policies as to whether, when and under which circumstances it is appropriate for schools to promote and/or supply alcohol.
HE13044An exploratory study of smokers’ and stakeholders’ expectations of the implementation of a smoke-free policy in a university setting
This qualitative study explores perceptions and attitudes of staff and student smokers and key stakeholders prior to the implementation of a complete campus ban on smoking at a large Australian university. Participants generally supported a complete smoke-free policy. Key themes associated with the policy implementation included health implications, stigmatisation and labelling, liberty and enforcement.
HE13089Translation of tobacco control programs in schools: findings from a rapid review of systematic reviews of implementation and dissemination interventions
A rapid review of the literature was conducted to identify reviews of implementation or dissemination strategies targeting the adoption of school-based tobacco prevention programs. Only one systematic review that included two randomised controlled trials was identified. Such findings suggest the need for more reviews of implementation research in this area.