Functional Plant Biology
Volume 37 Number 10 2010
RESEARCH FRONT: Advances in Pathogen Effector Biology
FPv37n10_FOPathogen effectors shed light on plant diseases
Peter Solomon and John P. Rathjen
pp. iii-iv
FP10077Effector proteins of extracellular fungal plant pathogens that trigger host resistance
Ann-Maree Catanzariti and David A. Jones
pp. 901-906
FP10067Proteinaceous necrotrophic effectors in fungal virulence
Kar-Chun Tan, Richard P. Oliver, Peter S. Solomon and Caroline S. Moffat
pp. 907-912
FP10067 Abstract | FP10067 Full Text | FP10067PDF (187 KB) Open Access Article
FP10072Effectors of biotrophic fungal plant pathogens
Pamela H. P. Gan, Maryam Rafiqi, Adrienne R. Hardham and Peter N. Dodds
pp. 913-918
FP10073The role of oomycete effectors in plant–pathogen interactions
Adrienne R. Hardham and David M. Cahill
pp. 919-925
FP10085Deciphering the mode of action and host recognition of bacterial type III effectors
Selena Gimenez-Ibanez, Dagmar R. Hann and John P. Rathjen
pp. 926-932
FP10112Effectors of plant parasitic nematodes that re-program root cell development
Samira Hassan, Carolyn A. Behm and Ulrike Mathesius
pp. 933-942
FP09276Excitation pressure as a measure of the sensitivity of photosystem II to photoinactivation
Dmytro Kornyeyev, Barry A. Logan and A. Scott Holaday
pp. 943-951
FP10061Comparative and functional morphology of hierarchically structured anti-adhesive surfaces in carnivorous plants and kettle trap flowers
Simon Poppinga, Kerstin Koch, Holger Florian Bohn and Wilhelm Barthlott
pp. 952-961
FP10049Reduced expression of a vesicle trafficking-related ATPase SKD1 decreases salt tolerance in Arabidopsis
Li-Wei Ho, Ting-Ting Yang, Shyan-Shu Shieh, Gerald E. Edwards and Hungchen E. Yen
pp. 962-973
FP10009Effects of root restriction on growth and associated cytokinin levels in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
Jean W. H. Yong, D. Stuart Letham, S. Chin Wong and Graham D. Farquhar
pp. 974-984
FP10066In situ detection of Esr proteins secretion during maize microspore embryogenesis and their secretion blockage show effects on the culture progression
Pilar S. Testillano, María-José Coronado, Anne-Marie Thierry, Elisabeth Matthys-Rochon and María C. Risueño
pp. 985-994