The APPEA Journal
Volume 56 Conference Proceedings 2016
AJ15039Next steps to crack the code on tight Permian Toolachee and Patchawarra sandstones of the Cooper Basin, southwest Queensland
Raymond L. Johnson, Lan Nguyen and Terry Russell
pp. 533-533
AJ15040Introducing the Sylvester Graben, a ?Neoproterozoic depocenter on the eastern flank of the Toko Syncline, southern Georgina Basin, Queensland
Robbert J. Willink, Nathan C. Palmer, Mathew Davies, Chris Woodfull, Peter Stuart-Smith and Charles Verdel
pp. 534-534
AJ15041Could a structurally controlled, hydrothermal dolomite play be operative in Cambro-Ordovician carbonates of the southern Georgina Basin, Queensland?
Robbert J. Willink, Mike J. Bucknill and Nathan C. Palmer
pp. 535-535
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15043Industry partnerships in addressing mental health
Carole James, Brian Kelly, Robyn Considine, Ross Tynan, Jaelea Skehan and Jane Rich
pp. 537-537
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15045Changes in labour and safety regulation offshore: the productivity implications
Eleanor Taylor
pp. 539-539
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15047Preparing for a carbon constrained economy: managing compliance and cost
Frederic Papon and Susie Smith
pp. 541-541
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15049How an integrated multi-discipline approach to ALARP assessments can yield production increases while minimising HSE risk
Jim Bonini, Lucy Muir and Steven Blackmore
pp. 543-543
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15051Determining the impacts of coal seam gas extraction on water-dependent assets
David Post, Peter Baker and Damian Barrett
pp. 545-545
AJ15052Evaluating potential coal seam gas impacts to the Condamine Alluvium: an example of successful community involvement
Simon Gossmann, Stephen Denner, St.John Herbert, Sanjeev Pandey, Randall Cox, Mark Gallagher and Josh Moncrieff
pp. 546-546
AJ15053Update of the Surat Underground Water Impact Report
Randall Cox and Keith Phillipson
pp. 547-547
AJ15054Safety leadership and collaboration in the Queensland natural gas exploration and production industry
Walter Simpson, Mark Greene, Sean O'Donnell, Michelle Zaunbrecher, Warwick King and Steve Ciccone
pp. 548-548
AJ15055Major accident prevention (MAP): a safety case approach to construction
Roberta Selleck
pp. 549-549
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15057A whole-of-business approach to major accident event preparedness
Peter Murphy and Peter Wilkinson
pp. 551-551
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15059Lean times in oil and gas: frugal strategies for emerging as a stronger player
Kai Eberspaecher
pp. 553-553
AJ15060Creating shared value through better management of water and waste in oil and gas
Yves Thélier
pp. 554-554
AJ15061Improvements in understanding short-range permeability variability in coal seam gas reservoirs
Stephen Tyson, Suzanne Hurter, Fengde Zhou and Morteza Jami
pp. 555-555
AJ15062Estimation of uncertainties in fault lateral positioning on 3D PSDM seismic image: an example from the North West Shelf
Sergey Birdus, Vincent Ganivet, Alexey Artemov, Ray Teakle and Paul Phythian
pp. 556-556
AJ15063Complete wavefield seismic structural, stratigraphic, geomorphic and elastic interpretation in the offshore Browse Basin
Andrew Long, Dushyan Rajeswaran, Jennifer Greenhalgh, Cyrille Reiser and Nizar Chemingui
pp. 557-557
AJ15064Sustainable partnerships: the art of high-performing alliances and joint ventures
Amita Riksen and Nick Chipman
pp. 558-558
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15066Access to information in joint ventures: the dangers of being kept in the dark
Anne Freeman
pp. 560-560
AJ15067Field trials of the use of hydrated bentonite for decommissioning oil and gas wells
Brian Towler, Mahshid Firouzi, Amin Mortezapour and Paul Hywel-Evans
pp. 561-561
AJ15068Collaborative approach: a foundation for successful decommissioning
Nigel Lees and Willem van Es
pp. 562-562
AJ15069The petroleum prospectivity of the Oobagooma Sub-basin and adjacent Leveque Platform, North West Shelf, Australia
Paul Harrison, Chris Swarbrick, Jim Winterhalder and Mark Ballesteros
pp. 563-563
AJ15070Mesozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the North Carnarvon Basin unlocked using regional 3D seismic
Daniel Bishop, Megan Halbert, Katherine Welbourn, Ben Boterhoven, Stacey Mansfield, Sophia Gerth and Arief Maulana
pp. 564-564
AJ15071Structural reform and petroleum (environment) regulations in the Northern Territory
Jop van Hattum and Victoria Jackson
pp. 565-565
AJ15072Department of Natural Resources and Mines perspective on gas resource development
David Rynne
pp. 566-566
AJ15073Warning. Danger. Caution: over-regulation leads to unsafe work environments
Duncan Fletcher
pp. 567-567
AJ15074Facies architecture of the K10 supersequence in the Browse Basin: when sequence stratigraphy meets lithostratigraphy
Steve Abbott, Kamal Khider, Andrew Kelman and Karen Romine
pp. 568-568
AJ15075Using a 3D hydraulic fracture simulator to assess the impact of perforation design on high near-wellbore pressure loss in the Cooper Basin
Nicholas Eades, Mohit Patter and Aldi Smokaj
pp. 569-569
AJ15076Measuring organisational resilience: small firms dealing with gas investment cycles
Jerad Ford, Martie-Louise Verreynne and John Steen
pp. 570-570
AJ15077How does a community add value to the oil and gas industry?
Stuart Trundle and Anne Probert
pp. 571-571
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15081Enabling operational excellence through the effective management of master data
Mark Puzey and Stephen Latham
pp. 575-575
AJ15082Maximising value in mega-projects: Ichthys LNG project
Cornelis van der Linden and Bill Townsend
pp. 576-576
AJ15083Northern Houtman Sub-basin prospectivity—preliminary results
Irina Borissova, Chris Southby, George Bernardel, Jennifer Totterdell, Robbie Morris and Ryan Owens
pp. 577-577
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15085Prospectivity and play analysis in the frontier Great Australian Bight: the benefits of a public domain data system and the application of traditional and new technologies
Ian Longley and James Dirstein
pp. 579-579
AJ15086Source rock characterisation of under-explored regions of Queensland
Alison Troup and Sally Edwards
pp. 580-580
AJ15087Cost transparency: which levers do you pull when we cannot trust the dials? The continued challenge of understanding what is really driving costs
Jonathan Smith
pp. 581-581
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15089Achieving data-driven efficiencies with integrated planning analytics
Elizeu Boto
pp. 583-583
AJ15090Why are the values of large capital projects routinely overestimated?
Stephen Reid
pp. 584-584
AJ15091Creating the circular advantage for the oil and gas industry
Christopher Coldrick, Rowan Fenn and David Sahota
pp. 585-585
AJ15092Lower oil and gas prices and the changing LNG landscape
Chris Graham and Andrew McManus
pp. 586-586
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15095Implications of LNG exposure on the competitiveness of Australia
Ross Lambie, Nicole Thomas and David Whitelaw
pp. 589-589
AJ150961D depth burial history and thermal maturity modelling of the Toolebuc Formation, Queensland
Behnam Talebi
pp. 590-590
AJ15097Australia's onshore basin inventory: volume I
Lidena Carr, Russell Korsch and Tehani Palu
pp. 591-591
AJ15098Automatic NMO correction in anisotropic media and non-hyperbolic NMO velocity field estimation
Mohamed Sedek and Lutz Gross
pp. 592-592
AJ15099Coal microstructure changes due to water absorption and CO2 injection
Yihuai Zhang, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Ahmed Barifcani, Maxim Lebedev and Stefan Iglauer
pp. 593-593
AJ15100Cooper Basin source rock atlas
Lisa Hall, Tehani Palu, Chris Boreham, Dianne Edwards, Tony Hill, Alison Troup and Paul Henson
pp. 594-594
AJ15101Core scanner technologies: take everything without breaking
Sandra Rodrigues and Joan Esterle
pp. 595-595
AJ15102Palynostratigraphic and U-Pb CA-IDTIMS isotopic dating of the upper Orallo Formation, northern Surat Basin, Queensland
Jennifer J. Cooling and John L. McKellar
pp. 596-596
AJ15103Post Jurassic shortening in the western Surat Basin relative to underlying basement depth and faulting
Abbas Babaahmadi, Renate Sliwa and Joan Esterle
pp. 597-597
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15105Seismic modelling of fault zones
Emanuelle Frery, Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand and Jeffrey Shragge
pp. 599-599
AJ15106Stratigraphic forward model of Springbok Sandstone sedimentation controlled by dynamic topography
Valeria Bianchi, Troy Smith and Joan Esterle
pp. 600-600
AJ15107Trends in onshore seismic data acquisition: a case study on cable-free nodal systems
Nabeel Yassi
pp. 601-601
AJ15108Vertical gas migration associated with coal seam gas production
Ludovic Ricard and Julian Strand
pp. 602-602
AJ15109Virtual and classical Precipice Sandstone outcrops mapping for reservoir modelling
Davide Pistellato, Richard Murphy, Atefeh Sansoleimani, Valeria Bianchi and Joan Esterle
pp. 603-603
AJ15110A low-cost deepwater gas development solution using subsea dehydration
Richard Moore and Ian Long
pp. 604-604
AJ15111Condition monitoring for the safe operation of offshore cranes
Julio De Melo, Luis Rojas and Daniel Shorten
pp. 605-605
AJ15112Exergy analysis of an ethylene refrigeration cycle integrated with a NGL recovery process for a large LNG train
Nazreen Begum Najibullah Khan, Ahmed Barifcani, Moses Tade and Vishnu Pareek
pp. 606-606
AJ15113Experimental investigation on CO2 foam flooding enhanced by a new combined thickening formula
Xingguang Xu, Ali Saeedi and Keyu Liu
pp. 607-607
AJ15114Micro-scale simulation of bubble-water flow in coal seams by the lattice Boltzmann method
Jie Yi, Huilin Xing, Tianwei Sun and Victor Rudolph
pp. 608-608
AJ15115Preparation of high-accuracy reference gas samples for proficiency testing
Damian Smeulders
pp. 609-609
AJ15116Prevention of surface annular casing pressure (SCP/SAP) in the B-annulus
David Field, Johnny Bårdsen and Vibjørn Dagestad
pp. 610-610
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15118Small-scale technology solutions to eliminate flaring
James Brown, Chiew Yen Law, Katherine Fielden, Ceri-Sian Dee and Neil Pollock
pp. 612-612
AJ15119Wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics in FLNG and floating production system design
Johnathan Green and Subajan Sivandran
pp. 613-613
AJ15120Digital turnarounds: leading practice in LNG train turnaround management
Victor Neep and Alexander Radach
pp. 614-614
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ15122Legal challenges to aerial drone technology in the oil and gas industry
James Lawrence
pp. 616-616