Exploration Geophysics
Volume 21 Numbers 3 & 4 1990
EG990161Gravity investigations in mountainous areas
P. Steinhauser, B. Meurers and D. Ruess
pp. 161-168
EG990169Interpretation of gravity anomalies over an inclined fault of finite strike length with quadratic density function
D.B. Rao and M.J. Prakash
pp. 169-173
EG990187Portable calibration sources for airborne gamma-ray spectrometers
B.R.S. Minty, M.P. Morse and L.M. Richardson
pp. 187-195
EG990197Methodology of geophysical exploration for oil and gas deposits in Cambrian and Precambrian sediments of the Siberian platform
M.M. Mandelbaum and A.I. Shamal
pp. 197-201
EG990209Notes on mass properties of rocks ? density, porosity, permeability
D.W. Emerson
pp. 209-216
EG990217Reply to the comments of J. C. Dooley on "Analysis of a magnetic sphere using the Fourier transform: a new approach"
N.L. Mohan, N.B.R. Prasad, S.V. Seshagiri Rao and V.L.S. Bhimasankaram
pp. 217-218