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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Methodology of geophysical exploration for oil and gas deposits in Cambrian and Precambrian sediments of the Siberian platform

M.M. Mandelbaum and A.I. Shamal

Exploration Geophysics 21(4) 197 - 201
Published: 1990


The Siberian platform is the largest sedimentary basin in continental USSR; it comprises Cambrian and Precambrian sediments, in which a number of oil and gas deposits have been found. Geological exploration, theory and practice, and, first and foremost, geophysical methods as an instrument of oil and gas exploration, have encountered exceptionally complex conditions in this region that have nothing analagous in the world.

© ASEG 1990

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