Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 61 Number 10 2010
CP10029Genotypic variation in domesticated and wild accessions of the tropical tuberous legume Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich.
F. Damayanti, R. J. Lawn and L. M. Bielig
pp. 771-784
CP10060Genetic compatibility among domesticated and wild accessions of the tropical tuberous legume Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich.
F. Damayanti, R. J. Lawn and L. M. Bielig
pp. 785-797
CP10084 Expression of qualitative and quantitative traits in hybrids between domesticated and wild accessions of the tropical tuberous legume Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich.
F. Damayanti, R. J. Lawn and L. M. Bielig
pp. 798-811
CP10001Assessing drought tolerance and regional patterns of genetic diversity among spring and winter bread wheat using simple sequence repeats and phenotypic data
Dejan Dodig, Miroslav Zorić, Borislav Kobiljski, Gordana Šurlan-Momirović and Steve A. Quarrie
pp. 812-824
CP10043Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of cotton: interaction with sodium
Ian J. Rochester
pp. 825-834
CP10026The Land Use Sequence Optimiser (LUSO): A theoretical framework for analysing crop sequences in response to nitrogen, disease and weed populations
Roger Lawes and Michael Renton
pp. 835-843
CP10018Co-limitation of nitrogen and water, and yield and resource-use efficiencies of wheat and barley
C. Mariano Cossani, Gustavo A. Slafer and Roxana Savin
pp. 844-851
CP10161Source–sink balance and manipulating sink–source relations of wheat indicate that the yield potential of wheat is sink-limited in high-rainfall zones
Heping Zhang, Neil C. Turner and Michael L. Poole
pp. 852-861