Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 61 Number 8 2010
CP10135Emergence, survival and seed production of Enteropogon ramosus in a pasture–wheat rotation or continuous pasture rotation in the wheatbelt of Western Australia
C. P. D. Borger, G. P. Riethmuller and A. Hashem
pp. 601-608
CP10089Variation for qualitative and quantitative traits and identification of trait-specific sources in new sorghum germplasm
H. D. Upadhyaya, Shivali Sharma, B. Ramulu, Ranjana Bhattacharjee, C. L. L. Gowda, V. Gopal Reddy and Sube Singh
pp. 609-618
CP10131Chromosome composition of an F2 Triticum aestivum × T. turgidum spp. durum cross analysed by DArT markers and MCFISH
Friederike S. Eberhard, Peng Zhang, Anke Lehmensiek, Ray A. Hare, Steven Simpfendorfer and Mark W. Sutherland
pp. 619-624
CP09216Differences in yield among annual forages used by the dairy industry under optimal and deficit irrigation
J. S. Neal, W. J. Fulkerson and L. C. Campbell
pp. 625-638
CP09252Photoperiod affects the flowering time of field-sown balansa clover
D. P. Monks, D. J. Moot and W. R. Scott
pp. 639-644
CP09360Persistence and productivity of Medicago sativa subspecies sativa, caerulea, falcata and varia accessions at three intermittently dry sites in south-eastern Australia
G. D. Li, Z. N. Nie, S. P. Boschma, B. S. Dear, G. M. Lodge, R. C. Hayes, B. Clark, S. J. Hughes and A. W. Humphries
pp. 645-658
CP10080Potential for foliar phosphorus fertilisation of dryland cereal crops: a review
S. R. Noack, T. M. McBeath and M. J. McLaughlin
pp. 659-669
CP10012Summer warming effects on biomass production and clonal growth of Leymus chinensis
Jun-Feng Wang, Song Gao, Ji-Xiang Lin, Yong-Guang Mu and Chun-Sheng Mu
pp. 670-676
CP09221_ERErratum to: The impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation on seasonal drought in the southern Australian grainbelt
P. T. Hayman, A. M. Whitbread and D. L. Gobbett
pp. 677-677