Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 61 Number 5 2010
CP09234Water deficit and impaired pegging effects on peanut seed yield: links with water and photosynthetically active radiation use efficiencies
Ricardo J. Haro, Julio L. Dardanelli, Daniel J. Collino and María E. Otegui
pp. 343-352
CP09259Low rates of phosphorus fertiliser applied strategically throughout the growing season under rain-fed conditions did not affect dry matter production of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
L. L. Burkitt, D. J. Donaghy and P. J. Smethurst
pp. 353-362
CP10020Impact of high temperature on pollen germination and spikelet sterility in rice: comparison between basmati and non-basmati varieties
Bidisha Chakrabarti, P. K. Aggarwal, S. D. Singh, S. Nagarajan and H. Pathak
pp. 363-368
CP09255Salt-induced modulation in some key gas exchange characteristics and ionic relations in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and their use as selection criteria
Zahra Noreen, Muhammad Ashraf and Nudrat Aisha Akram
pp. 369-378
CP09318Variation in salinity tolerance, early shoot mass and shoot ion concentrations within Lotus tenuis: towards a perennial pasture legume for saline land
N. L. Teakle, A. Snell, D. Real, E. G. Barrett-Lennard and T. D. Colmer
pp. 379-388
CP10019Evaluating an active optical sensor for quantifying and mapping green herbage mass and growth in a perennial grass pasture
M. G. Trotter, D. W. Lamb, G. E. Donald and D. A. Schneider
pp. 389-398
CP09345Pre-cropping with canola decreased Pratylenchus thornei populations, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and yield of wheat
K. J. Owen, T. G. Clewett and J. P. Thompson
pp. 399-410
CP09349Seedling competition of lucerne in mixtures with temperate and tropical pasture species
S. P. Boschma, G. M. Lodge and S. Harden
pp. 411-419
CP09296A simplified method for characterising agronomic services provided by species-rich grasslands
Michel Duru, Pablo Cruz and Jean Pierre Theau
pp. 420-433