Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 59 Number 3 2008
AR07315Alien genetic resources for wheat leaf rust resistance, cytogenetic transfer, and molecular analysis
B. S. Gill, L. Huang, V. Kuraparthy, W. J. Raupp, D. L. Wilson and B. Friebe
pp. 197-205
AR07239Male fertility restoration of wheat in Hordeum chilense cytoplasm is associated with 6HchS chromosome addition
A. C. Martín, S. G. Atienza, M. C. Ramírez, F. Barro and A. Martín
pp. 206-213
AR07270Detection and characterisation of novel fungal endophyte genotypic variation in cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
E. van Zijll de Jong, M. P. Dobrowolski, A. Sandford, K. F. Smith, M. J. Willocks, G. C. Spangenberg and J. W. Forster
pp. 214-221
AR07188Genotyping elite genotypes within the Australian lentil breeding program with lentil-specific sequenced tagged microsatellite site (STMS) markers
P. Inder, M. Materne, P. W. J. Taylor and R. Ford
pp. 222-225
AR07112Studies of competition between Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack. ex Arechav. (serrated tussock) and native pastures. 1. Adult plants
W. B. Badgery, D. R. Kemp, D. L. Michalk and W. McG. King
pp. 226-236
AR07113Studies of competition between Nassella trichotoma (Nees) Hack. ex Arechav. (serrated tussock) and native pastures. 2. Seedling responses
W. B. Badgery, D. R. Kemp, D. L. Michalk and W. McG. King
pp. 237-246
AR07169Fertiliser N and P applications on two Vertosols in north-eastern Australia. 1. Comparative grain yield responses for two different cultivation ages
David W. Lester, Colin J. Birch and Chris W. Dowling
pp. 247-259
AR07380Identifying chickpea homoclimes using the APSIM chickpea model
Yash Chauhan, Graeme Wright, Nageswararao Rachaputi and Kevin McCosker
pp. 260-269
AR07200Relationship of stem water potential and leaf conductance to vegetative growth of young olive trees in a hedgerow orchard
María Gómez-del-Campo, A. Leal and C. Pezuela
pp. 270-279
AR07275Kernel weight dependence upon plant growth at different grain-filling stages in maize and sorghum
Brenda L. Gambín, Lucas Borrás and María E. Otegui
pp. 280-290