Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 33 Number 1 1982
AR9820025Phakopsora pachyrhizi: uredial development, urediospore production and factors affecting teliospore formation on soybeans
CC Yeh, JB Sinclair and AT Tschanz
pp. 25-31
AR9820033A laboratory procedure for determining relative levels of field resistance in soybeans to Phytophthora megasperma f.sp. Glycinea
JAG Irwin and PW Langdon
pp. 33-39
AR9820041An analysis of the growth of mung beans at a range of plant densities in tropical Australia. I. Dry matter production
RC Muchow and DA Charles-Edwards
pp. 41-51
AR9820053An analysis of the growth of mung beans at a range of plant densities in tropical Australia. II. Seed production
RC Muchow and DA Charles-Edwards
pp. 53-61
AR9820097Volatilization of ammonia from urine patches in a subtropical pasture
I Vallis, LA Harper, VR Catchpoole and KL Weier
pp. 97-107
AR9820109The effect of short-term waterlogging during furrow irrigation of cotton in a cracking grey clay
AS Hodgson and KY Chan
pp. 109-116