Exploring the use of the pentaphenylcyclopentadienyl ligand in uranium chemistry: the crystal structure of (C5Ph5)UI2(THF)2†
Justin C. Wedal

A Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-2025, USA.
Australian Journal of Chemistry 75(9) 581-586 https://doi.org/10.1071/CH21318
Submitted: 2 December 2021 Accepted: 12 January 2022 Published: 24 March 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing.
The reaction of UI3 with NaC5Ph5 in THF generated (η5-C5Ph5)UI2(THF)2 which was characterized by X-ray crystallography. The complex has a four-legged piano stool structure with a 2.539 Å U– (C5Ph5 ring centroid) distance that is slightly longer than the 2.504 Å distance in (η5-C5Me5)UI2(THF)3 which has a larger formal coordination number. Although the synthesis of the mono-cyclopentadienyl complex was facile, no bis-cyclopentadienyl complexes were isolated from reactions using two equivalents of the pentaphenylcyclopentadienyl ligand per uranium. In one UI3/2NaC5Ph5 synthesis, the X-ray crystal structure of (THF)3Na(η5-C5Ph5) was obtained. Attempts to reduce (η5-C5Ph5)UI2(THF)2 did not give evidence for a UII product. KC8 reductions of the in situ reaction of NdI3 and NaC5Ph5, analogous to the synthesis of (η5-C5Ph5)UI2(THF)2, yielded an X-ray crystal structure of a solvent-separated ion pair (SSIP), [K(18-crown-6)(THF)2][C5Ph5].
Keywords: complexes, coordination compounds, crystallography, cyclopentadienyl ligands, iodide, ion pairs, pentaphenylcyclopentadienyl, uranium.
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