Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 56 Number 3 2008
BT07173Restoration demography and genetics of plants: when is a translocation successful?
Eric S. Menges
pp. 187-196
BT07146A molecular perspective on terpene variation in Australian Myrtaceae
Andras Keszei, Curt L. Brubaker and William. J. Foley
pp. 197-213
BT07130Overcoming physiological dormancy in Prostanthera eurybioides (Lamiaceae), a nationally endangered Australian shrub species
P. J. Ainsley, M. K. Jones and T. E. Erickson
pp. 214-219
BT06148The timing and nature of floristic and structural changes during secondary succession in wet forests
Merrilyn Serong and Alan Lill
pp. 220-231
BT07101Generating genetic relatedness maps to improve the management of two rare orchid species
Linda M. Broadhurst, Paul K. Scannell and Glen A. Johnson
pp. 232-240
BT07161Breeding barriers between Gossypium spp. and species of the Malvaceae family
Stella Kantartzi and D. G. Roupakias
pp. 241-245
BT07194Morphological diversity and abundance of biological soil crusts differ in relation to landscape setting and vegetation type
A. Briggs and J. W. Morgan
pp. 246-253
BT07164Syncarpia and Tristaniopsis (Myrtaceae) possess specialised fire-resistant epicormic structures
Geoffrey E. Burrows
pp. 254-264
BT07184Cotyledon areoles in subtribe Kennediinae (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae)
James A. Lackey
pp. 265-271
BT07139Nitrogen use efficiency: does a trade-off exist between the N productivity and the mean residence time within species?
Zhi Y. Yuan, Han Y. H. Chen and Ling H. Li
pp. 272-277