Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 35 Number 6 1987
BT9870617Some Collections of Vaucheria (Tribophyceae) From Southeastern Australia
T Christensen
pp. 617-629
BT9870641The Effect of Surface Mining on the Infectivity of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
DA Jasper, AD Robson and LK Abbott
pp. 641-652
BT9870653Water Relations of Root-Pruned Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Smith) Saplings
DS Crombie, JT Tippett and DJ Gorddard
pp. 653-663
BT9870665Host Range of Three Strains of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides From Tropical Pasture Legumes, and Comparative Histological Studies of Interactions Between Type B Disease-Producing Strains and Stylosanthes scabra (Non-Host) and S. guianensis (Host)
T Vinijsanun, JAG Irwin and DF Cameron
pp. 665-677
BT9870679 Sex-Ratios in a Gynodioecious Plant Ptilotus obovatus (Gaudich) F-Muell (Amaranthaceae)
GC Kirby, BA Barlow and S Habel
pp. 679-687
BT9870715Germination of Jedda multicaulis Clarkson,J.r. (Thymelaeaceae). An Example of Cryptogeal Germination in the Australian Flora
JR Clarkson and HT Clifford
pp. 715-720