Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 32 Number 2 1979
RN Murdoch, DJ Kay and WJ Capper
pp. 153-162
BI9790187Studies on Polydisperse Systems Using an Air-Driven Ultracentrifuge: Application to Phosphatidylcholine Vesicles
RG Clarke, GR Eagle and GJ Howlett
pp. 187-196
BI9790197Studies on the in Vitro Metabolism of [3H]Cortisol and [3H]Oestradiol by Sheep Skin and Wool Roots
KA Ward and SE Kasmarik
pp. 197-204
BI9790205Effects of Caecectomy in the Young Adult Female Rat on Digestibility of Food Offered Ad Libitum and in Restricted Amounts
Suzanne Ambuhl, VJ Williams and W Senior
pp. 205-214
BI9790221Influence of Haemoglobin Type and Selenium Status on Peripheral Plasma Progesterone and Corticosteroid Concentration in Ewes Grazing Oestrogenic Pastures
SK Walker, JM Obst, DH Smith, GP Hall and PF Flavel
pp. 221-230
BI9790231Effect of Heat Stress on Plasma Concentrations of Prolactin and Luteinizing Hormone in Ewes
RD Hooley, JK Findlay and RGA Stephenson
pp. 231-236
BI9790251The Use of Oestrogen, Progesterone and Reserpine in the Artificial Induction of Lactation in Cattle
CJ Peel, JW Taylor, IB Robinson and RD Hooley
pp. 251-260
BI9790267Mechanical Transmission of Galinsoga Mosaic Virus in Soil
DD Shukla, GJ Shanks, S Teakle and GM Behncken
pp. 267-276