Influence of Haemoglobin Type and Selenium Status on Peripheral Plasma Progesterone and Corticosteroid Concentration in Ewes Grazing Oestrogenic Pastures
SK Walker, JM Obst, DH Smith, GP Hall and PF Flavel
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
32(2) 221 - 230
Published: 1979
Peripheral plasma progesterone and corticosteroid concentrations were studied in ewes grazing oestrogenic pastures during oestrus, pregnancy and parturition in 1974 and during pregnancy in 1975. Haemoglobin (Hb) type A ewes had significantly higher mean corticosteroid concentrations than HbB ewes in both years. In 1974 the concentration of progesterone did not differ significantly between Hb types whilst in 1975 the concentration was significantly (P < 0·001) higher in HbA ewes.
© CSIRO 1979