Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 31 Number 3 1978
TC Elleman, IR Falconer, ARB Jackson and MT Runnegar
pp. 209-218
BI9780219Heterogeneity and Incomplete Disulfide Reduction in the High-sulfur Proteins of Wool
Robert C Marshall and JM Gillespie
pp. 219-230
BI9780231An Electron Microscope Study of Fibril : Matrix Arrangements in High- and Low-Crimp Wool Fibres
Ian J Kaplin and Kenneth J Whiteley
pp. 231-240
BI9780257Testicular and Epididymal Sperm Numbers and Related Parameters in the Developing Awassi Ram
MSS Abdou, TM Hassun and SA El-Sawaf
pp. 257-266
BI9780267Gonadotrophin Levels and Ovarian Development in the Neonatal Ewe Lamb
Robin Tassell, WA Chamley and JP Kennedy
pp. 267-274
BI9780275Prostaglandin F in the Fallopian Tube Secretion of the Ewe
GM Warnes, F Amato and RF Seamark
pp. 275-282
BI9780293Fusion and Hybridization of Marsupial and Eutherian Cells V. Development of Selective Systems
Rory M Hope and Jennifer A MarshalI Graves
pp. 293-302
BI9780311The Extracellular Polysaccharide of a Methylotrophic Culture
MN Huq, BJ Ralph and PAD Rickard
pp. 311-316