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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Enzyme Activities and Protein and Carbohydrate Concentrations in Cervical Secretions at Dioestrus in Normal Ewes and Ewes With Permanent Phytooestrogenic Infertility

BY Tang and NR Adams

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 31(3) 241 - 246
Published: 1978


Cervical secretions of clover-affected and control ewes in the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle were obtained by flushing the anterior vagina. The flushings were analysed for proteins, carbohydrates and enzyme activities, and were found to be similar to the secretions of the normal ovine uterus. There was significantly more protein, carbohydrate and acid-soluble glycoprotein but less alkaline phosphatase, N-acetylglycosidases (EC and and ribonuclease I in the vaginal flushings of clover-affected ewes.

© CSIRO 1978

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